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Toddlers really are ass holes….

After all the drama, heartache and stress my son put us through you would think I would be a bit more understanding…. 

Understanding went away with his ability to listen. He is still a good boy don’t get me wrong, but he still can be a bit of an ass hole. And today he would win gold in the category.

I am now a mom of 2…. And sleep is a distant memory, so we can call it lack of sleep, which turns into lack of patience, which then in turn makes me think my kids are ass holes…. But for arguments sake lets for get that and just skip right to it.

He use to sleep! He use to get up, eat breakfast…. Let’s not even get into that mess….. Play for 2 hours then nap for 2 more hours get up, lunch…. Another battle for another day…. Play and then nap again get up help mommy cook eat supper play, bath, book, snuggle to sleep! And he even was like this after his sister was born… But now… Naps are the moms way of keeping him down, and all food tastes like ass. Even getting him to drink anything has turned into a battle.

There are days where I am just sick of fighting with him and want to just walk away and let him just play with the cabinets and pull everything out, or climb on the TV stand…. But because I am the adult and a responsible mom, I go over to him and say no, make him clean up his mess…. Which he use to love helping mom or Yaya clean, I guess that novelty wore off… Fight with him which turn into him taking a swing at me.

Yup he has decided that hitting mommy is ok, I have only ever spanked him once… And thats when I caught him mid air trying to jump on his sister doing tummy time.  So time outs are a new thing, he knows the threat of a spank is real even though I will only follow through if he tries to kill his sister again.

You know what else ass hole toddlers lack? A sence of personal space. As you can tell from the picture…. My son stole a pancake from the kitchen to eat it while in the bathroom with me… This is normal! Minus the pancake…

The picture was taken yesterday, and today while I peed he joined me and proceeded to point and ask what everything was in the bathroom. He then lifted my shirt pointed to my mommy rolls and asked what they were… I made the mistake of calling it mommys fat. He now calls me fat mommy no matter how much I try and discourage that. So more time outs, more losing treats but what is working like a dream right now is taking toys away. 
As I write this my daughter is napping, I am back in bed typing and he is in an extended time out for not only climbing on the tv stand, but for also trying to push the tv off cause I wouldn’t turn Mickey on.

Ok ladies and gents off to have a stern talk with my defiant 2 year old,
Pray for me… 

12 thoughts on “I FINALLY Get It….

  1. I am praying for you. Being a mommy is hard, but definitely worth the reward. It’s just hard to remember that in the midst of the struggles.


  2. My daughter is about to turn 4 and her little attitude lately has been the worst! So emotional and questioning everything! I pray it gets better.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I can totally relate and I have a huge smile on mu face while reading this because i know excatly how you feeling, but on the brighter side… its gets worse (hahahaha) My son has just hit threenager and I the terrible twos seem like a walk in the park… And the bathroom is a friendly zone in my house too…. thanks for sharing x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh yay… Ya we are knocking at the door of the threenager here too… June… And once he grows out of this… I have another not far behind him growing into it.. Send help… And maybe some wine? Lol

      Liked by 1 person

  4. LOL! I’m only laughing because this is my life, too. Now that my youngest is a year, though, it’s a lot better!! Hang in there.


  5. I remember going through this with our daughter. It’s like a switch flips and your sweet, well-behaved baby has transformed into an unknown being. lol. All I can say is, this too shall pass and you will move on to a new set of joys and frustrations. Hang in there mama.


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