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The Mommy Book Club

As a mommy, we don’t get a lot of us time. Maybe enough to shower and feel human for a few hours before we are back to the grind, of poop, puke and food. I used to read books all the time, even when my son was in the NICU, but since becoming a full time mommy, the only books I seem to read are The Cat In The Hat, or anything by Robert Munch.
That being said I wanted to start a mommy book club starting next month, so I can make myself read a book! Make myself take some me time and take a bath and read. I could read anything from Harry Potter to some cheesy romance novel, you never know with me. 
So on the first of the month I will post a title and author with a cover photo, and at the end of the month post a review on here, and open a discission on my Facebook. 
That way if you want to read, need an excuse to read, you can join me and chat it up!!! 
Can’t wait to see how this goes next month!!!
Talk to you all soon!

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10 thoughts on “The Mommy Book Club

  1. Love this! You are so right about how mommmy life can take your reading time away. I love reading too. Thanks for mommy book club invite💚


  2. Great idea. I have a book club at work that I can at least get through 75% of the book prior to the get together. It’s nice just to think about something other than the littles and the hubby and the house. Enjoy this experience!


  3. I used to always read – probably my favorite hobby. I now can’t remember the last book I read all the way through. It’s so hard now to even know what book I’d want to read. I love your idea, especially the part where you pick the book!


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