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Pregnant After Preemie

Good morning everyone. It is currently 10:55 am and I was woken up at 2:30 am to pee by our little Tater Tot…. Then again at 6:30am by Spud because he was sick of playing in bed and wanted breakfast.

We are keeping with Potato inspired Nick names for our children, I don’t know why, ask the Hubby… Might have something to do with our thick Irish Heritage.

I haven’t been the best at blogging on a schedule, and I am trying to fix that but I cannot make promises. I am going to keep you in the loop, if you want, about this second pregnancy. Our pregnancy after Preemie. We are trying to keep our mind positive and stress free, because they never really narrowed down what caused my water to break at 22 weeks or why I gave birth at 24 weeks or anything, they called it PROMM. So it makes us nervous and scared we are going to go through all this again.

I have my first OB appointment tomorrow after getting off work at 7:30am and picking Spud up from Aunty KTs house.  We have had all the preliminary blood work and pee tests and consults with our Family Doctor, who then asked my OB for tips… The OB demanded I see him as soon as possible.

I have an ultrasound booked for December 30th, but I am going to assume that will change after talking to our OB. They are going to see if I have to get on medications or have to do anything else. Its such a stressful time but I am trying my hardest to enjoy being pregnant again. There is also the thought it could be twins as they run in my family and are common is women who are a bit bigger in size. So it should be interesting if that is the case.

Well, I hope tomorrow I will give you a small update of our progress as well as our plans.

Talk to you soon.



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