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Mommy’s Night Out

I know I started this blog to be about being a mom, well mommy had a night out last night to a bar concert to see her favorite Band for over 11 years.

When I was younger I went through a terrible thing and had a hard time getting help. A friend of mine handed me an EP of a brand new band out of Vancouver and that was the start of me getting better.  Thanks Marianas Trench.

Most people snuck into or tried to sneak into big concerts or bars just to drink, not me. I snuck into a show at the Power Plant they played with Theory of a deadman. I was in so much trouble for being late and got grounded but it was worth everything to see them live. That was 9 years ago, and I still remember everything, and anything to help this band in some small way. My girl friend and I started something called Marianas Mission to rally fans and help get them more air play and we got a few fans all over the world. I bought maybe 20 to 30 copied of their first full length album just to hand it to people who hadn’t heard of them. My whole family knew who they were, boyfriends knew not to change the station when they came on the radio.

We would wait hours at shows just to get front row and hope the guys would see us and talk to us after the show. I made great friends with people at shows, lost friends for stupid reasons if you look at it now.  I remember going to 26 shows they played. I remember a lot of details and conversations I had with them. I remember making friends with whomever was selling merch because Trencher were Family and that person was part of it…. In some cases that was truer than others! I remember my longest wait to see the guys front row was 17 hours at Ed Fest…. I was 20 and so proud of myself at the time. They started getting more fame playing bigger shows, bigger venues and the family feel kinda faded but they shows remained awesome. I love now talking to new trenchers and sharing stories of forever ago…. Now, before I was the ass hole fan who thought they were better than everyone…. Man i regret that… 

Last night was the first bar show I have seen them in almost 6 years, and it was great! But I came to the conclusion of something pretty big that night as well…. I am way to F***ing old for this….

The doors were at 7 we showed up at 630, we did a walk around and claimed a spot in front of the stage, the show started at 8 ish and we had to stand there from then till Trench at 10 pm…. And I sang I danced and had fun the whole time thinking… “My feet hurt, I am gonna feel that in the morning, this is a bit louder than I remember.” I got to see and talk to them after and it was nice to be remembered so many years later. We played catch up and we left without closing the bar like we use to… I didn’t even drink I had to drive….

I woke up this morning to my one year old wanting to play…. And i felt like shit… Like i had been run over like a ton of bricks and shat on. But i got up and did the mommy thing wanting to die every step of the way.

I am to old to do that every night, several nights in a row, but I was very worth it for the smiles, hugs and short catch up with some of my favorite people.

Thanks for reading my sappy random blog post!!


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